So many years of increasing digital technology are driving today’s exciting pattern shift in next-generation vehicle architecture and driving experience. Automakers today face the challenge of creating seamless driving experiences based on software, connectivity, and cloud and edge computing capabilities. This is a #data center on wheels. How are automakers coping with this challenge? What should they plan & what should they avoid now to stop being left behind?
Automotive architectures are rapidly evolving from domain-based to zone-based, working the same types of high-performance computing found in data centers today to make split-second decisions on the
Obstacles encountered while constructing a data center on wheels
Energy efficiency and cost savings
The data center industry is often in trouble due to massive energy consumption and rising temperatures. Data center sites often waste more energy than they consume. This happens when you lack proper power monitoring tools and environmental sensors.
The system allows you to efficiently monitor and optimize your energy consumption and reduce costs where possible. This enables energy efficiency and environmental friendliness while reducing data center costs.
Data Center Environmental Considerations
The data center and its associated servers have power requirements for both operation and thermal management. These performance requirements translate into energy requirements. Data centers consume a lot of energy, but where does this energy supply come from?
One option is to build data centers near affordable power sources. From an environmental point of view, renewable energy is a long-term candidate. For example, nuclear power may be cheaper than hydropower in the short term, but data centers near rivers with high hydropower production may be preferred over data centers near nuclear power plants.
Poor Staff Productivity
In many data centers, manual reporting systems are used. These systems require the staff to spend a great deal of time logging activities into spreadsheets. Such tasks hamper the productivity of data center operators and prevent them from focusing on other vital aspects of data center management.
Replacing traditionally used manual systems with automated systems can help data center personnel work with higher efficiency.
Capacity Planning and Management
In most cases, data center administrators tend to over-provision capacity to avoid downtime. This leads to wasted resources and space. In addition, electricity and energy are wasted. With data growth, data center capacity has always been an unsolved problem for data center managers. That is until you discover a data center infrastructure management solution.
The system enables data center managers to identify unused physical space, capacity, power consumption, cooling, and other resources used in their data centers.
Inefficient Capacity Planning
Most data centers in India do not have systems to determine if assets are operating at full capacity. Data center administrators tend to over-provision resources to avoid delays and unplanned downtime. While such an approach guarantees increased uptime and availability, it wastes large amounts of resources in the form of wasted space, power, and cooling capacity.
Therefore it can be concluded, Data centers often overlook the physical security of their IT assets. Servers or hard drives that are no longer in use often sit idle and can lose valuable information if not properly cleaned.
Additionally, advances in IoT technology are bringing more devices and connections into data center networks, creating new and unforeseen challenges for administrators.