A cyber threat can be said as an evil act to damage or steal your data to disrupt the digital well being and stability of an organization. It includes a wide variety of attacks varying from data breaches to computer viruses, denial of service, and numerous other attack vectors. Cyber threats attempt to turn potential accountability into actual attacks on systems and networks. #cybersecurity threats can include anything from Trojans, viruses, and #hackers to backdoors.
Cyberthreat also refers to thinkable cyberattacks aimed at gaining unauthorized access, destroying, stealing, or damaging IT assets, intellectual property, computer networks, or other forms of sensitive data.
Cyber threats have started to affect each aspect of our life. Let us take a close look at a few common Cyber threats we should be aware of :
Malware is a general term that can be used for any program or file that can deliberately interfere with or damage a system or computer. Malware usually enters networks through #security holes when users click on email attachments or malicious links that install dangerous software. Malware software includes:
The Trojan is a type of malware that personates itself as authorized software but performs evil activity when executed.
Viruses and worms are venomous code that is installed without your knowledge. These viruses can double and spread to other systems simply by attaching themselves to computer files. Worms may double themselves like viruses but they do not need to connect to other systems to do so.
A Domain Name System (DNS) poisoning attack compromises the DNS and redirects web traffic to malicious websites. This type of cyber threat does not attack the hacked pages.
How you can protect yourself against such Cyber Threats :
Use Antivirus Software:
First of all, Secure your systems/devices with the right antivirus software. Antivirus software doesn’t have to break the bank either. For example, Microsoft Defender is free on Windows
Back up everything
Always remember to keep a backup of your data. Don’t keep things in one place or one device that you can’t afford to lose. Try to use an external drive for backups, explore the many cloud storage options available, or consider hard copies of your recordings.
Protect all passwords
Make sure every employee has strong passwords on all devices containing sensitive information. You should also implement a policy to change passwords regularly.
Train your employees
Ensure that all employees understand the importance of consistently following cybersecurity best practices and have a clearly defined set of rules to follow.
Do not mix work and leisure
Whenever possible, avoid using the same equipment for business as you do at home. Do not store business information on devices shared with family, friends, roommates, etc. This exposes sensitive data to unnecessary risk.