Parts & Software Prices
Anti-Virus Protection ( Bit Defender Corporate Edition ) = $45 /yr ( per computer )
Cloud Backup System with 10 GB Storage = $120 /yr ( per computer ) * each additional 10 GB is $10 /mo
SPAM Filtration ( Barracuda ) = $35 /yr ( per mailbox ) * purchased by domain only
Remote Access Software = $120 /yr ( max 10 computers )
Barracuda F Series Firewall/Router = $2150
Cisco Small Business Router = $210 & up
Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium = $240 /yr ( Cloud email, calendar and contacts with 50 GB per user / Microsoft SharePoint ( 1 TB database included ), $0.25 / additional GB / Microsoft Office Full Desktop Software ( Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, and OneNote on up to 5 PCs or Macs per user, on up to 5 tablets and 5 phones per user ) / File storage & sharing with 1 TB storage per user / Unlimited online meetings, IM and HD video conferencing / Intranet site for your teams with customizable security settings )
*prices & features may change without notice.